The Store is Open

The Store is Open

Starting OverĀ  Store Is Open

This has been a process of starting over for us. We have been and continue to move through the FDA and Ohio Department of Agriculture certification process so that we can bring our unique culinary pepper jams to palates all over the United States. This has been a long process yet it opens opportunities for those who are in States other than Ohio, and have been asking to purchase our Pepper Jams.

We are taking our time in re-introducing our Jams. We are starting over with our three top selling jams. We know that the Rocoto Bell Pepper Jam is a favorite as well, so that should be back in a couple weeks.

Make sure that you keep up with the Events Calendar to see all that we have planned for markets and other special events.

What’s New?

The Store is Open with a new size jar. We have added the 6 Oz jar. Now you have a choice between the 4 Oz. and 6 Oz. jars. After doing a number of surveys, we are finding that the 6 Oz. jar is the right size for most.

More to come

Keep checking back as we will be updating our products as we continue to make them ready for Pepper Jam lovers across these United States.